Michael Ullmer, Chair, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO)
I am really impressed with the philosophy of the Observership Program to encourage young professionals to get a deep understanding of governance practices in the not for profit sector. This is an area of real need and one where they can make a great contribution. What has surprised me though is the quality of the candidates offered to the MSO – highly motivated individuals, each with strong credentials and importantly, in our case, a passion for music! The Observers receive a comprehensive, structured training program facilitated by the AICD, so they come to the table well prepared to broaden their understanding with practical experience. Our Observer is a young partner in a major law firm, and is already adding value. I encourage all not for profits to seriously consider participating in the program.”
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) – Participating Not-For-Profit in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.